Faculty and Staff

Katelynn Cosby
Kindergarten Teacher

Melinda Durrant

Kaydee Deto
Special Education Assistant

Tricia Erickson
Educational Assistant

Kalynn Fail
Computer Lab

Amanda Frandsen
Third Grade

Marie Greenan

Cari Guymon
Second Grade

Courtney Hinckley
Educational Assistant

Jamie Huggard
Fifth Grade

Allison Jackson
Title 1 Teacher / Interventionist

Nikki Jones
School Food Service  

Danielle Kohl
Library, Educational Assistant

Kristel Lee
First Grade

Heather Moulton
Educational Assistant

Ashton Rowley
Head Custodian

Danielle Tuttle
Third Grade

Kate Van Wagoner
Special Education

Jeanette Woolsey

Darline DeBry
Social Worker/Counselor

Autumn Huntsman
Speech & Language Assistant

Nanette Harrison
Preschool Coordinator Assistant

Stacy Mason
OT Therapy Assistant

Amanda Nelson
Preschool Coordinator

Jennifer Parkins
Speech/Language Pathologist

Tammy Payne
Art and Music Specialist

Wayne Roberts

Jennifer Thomas
Social Worker

Lori Tuttle

Educational Assistant

Educational Assistant